The Girl Guides Association is a voluntary Organisation made up of females of all age groups of leaders founded by late Lord Robert Baden Powell in 1910
Our main interest is appropriately motivating and raising the “girl child” to be a responsible adult citizen. Because of our past records, people expect and desire our leadership. The girl child is taught to raise her voice to proclaim our values by our lifestyle hence we are permanently conscious of the fact that we are Role Models to many.
The younger girls stand tall on the shoulders of our past giants, our past leaders. Our duty is to inspire others because we are role models. As Guides, we derive real happiness by “lending a hand” and doing at least a good turn every day. Guiding is both service and fun.
We are a committed and loyal group, always striving to excel in any place we find ourselves. As much as it is humanly possible, we endeavour to show consistency as we improve on our values, exhibit honesty whenever we are entrusted with some responsibilities and by our lifestyle, most times, portray a high level of motivation to the younger leaders we are guiding. We live the life of true Ambassadors of our founding parents, Lord Robert and Lady Olave Baden Powell. May their souls continue to rest in peace.